
IoT VLT and ILT Technical Training

IoT VLT and  ILT Full Curriculum

This project was designed to develop a comprehensive and highly technical software training program on MindSphere's OEE Hub for Siemens' customers.


The MindSphere OEE Training was created to help customers understand and utilize the MindSphere OEE Hub effectively. The training program consisted of Instructor-Led Training (ILT) with PowerPoint presentations, notes, labs, and knowledge questions, as well as On-Demand Training (ODT) hosted on the Xcelerator Academy LMS, featuring built-in knowledge checks and pre-recorded videos. This blended approach aimed to provide customers with flexible learning opportunities to suit their individual needs and schedules.


I conducted a thorough needs assessment to identify the need for this training, initiated by the creation of the OEE Hub tool. This assessment included gathering feedback from potential users and identifying gaps in their current knowledge of the software. A curriculum architecture was developed based on the functional analysis of the software in practice and technical documentation, which helped us identify chapters, sub-chapters, and appropriate places for knowledge checks and labs. This comprehensive analysis ensured that the training program would address the identified learning needs and provide a strong foundation for users.


Learning objectives were established for each chapter with a focus on creating comprehensive training that would cover all aspects of the MindSphere OEE Hub. The design prioritized comprehensiveness and clarity, using visual elements like screenshots and graphics to convey complex topics wherever possible. The course structure aimed to facilitate a logical progression of learning, beginning with basic concepts and gradually building towards more advanced topics. This allowed learners to develop a deep understanding of the OEE Hub and its various functions.


The training materials were developed using PowerPoint with instructor notes for the ILT and the powerpoints were made into videos and integrated into the Xcelerator Academy LMS for the ODT. All learners had access to the labs and knowledge checks, either through delivery by their trainer or via the LMS. The content was structured to maintain visual interest despite the dry subject matter, incorporating a variety of elements such as videos, knowledge checks and practical labs to enhance learner engagement. The development process also involved collaboration with subject matter experts to ensure that the content was accurate and up-to-date.


The training program was delivered to Siemens MindSphere customers through the ILT sessions and the Xcelerator Academy LMS platform. This allowed customers to access the training materials whenever and wherever it was most convenient for them, providing flexibility and accommodating various learning preferences. Additionally, support resources and communication channels were provided to address any questions or concerns that arose during the training.


Assessment methods included built-in knowledge checks with analytics and practical labs assessed by trainers. These assessments were designed to measure learners' understanding of the course content and their ability to apply their newly acquired skills in real-world scenarios. Preliminary evaluations of the content were conducted by a peer, while future evaluations will involve feedback within the LMS based on knowledge checks and surveys, as well as collaboration with trainers to identify any updates required. This ongoing evaluation process will ensure that the training program remains relevant and effective in addressing customers' learning needs.

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