
Cybersecurity in Smart Cities Assignment

Cybersecurity in Smart Cities Assignment

The project "Analyzing Cybersecurity Incidents in Smart Cities" serves as an educational exercise, aiming to deepen the understanding of cybersecurity vulnerabilities and attacks specific to urban digital infrastructures.


This self-led project offers learners an opportunity to dive deep into real-world cybersecurity incidents related to smart cities. Through the process of analyzing five case studies — four provided and one of the learner's choice — participants can hone their skills in identifying, summarizing, and proposing mitigation strategies for various cyber threats. The aim is to foster a comprehensive understanding of the current cyber threats smart cities face and to equip participants with the knowledge to devise effective countermeasures.


Before designing the assignment, a thorough examination was conducted to pinpoint the learning needs of individuals keen on urban tech cybersecurity. Identifying the gap between general cybersecurity knowledge and specific incidents in smart cities helped in formulating the structure and requirements of the assignment. The choice of making the fifth article self-sourced was to foster independent research skills and ensure participants are equipped to stay updated with evolving threats.


The assignment was designed to be both structured and flexible. While the initial four case studies offer a foundation, the fifth case study encourages exploration and individual agency. Key elements such as article summary, threat identification, and mitigation strategies were identified as crucial learning outcomes. A rubric was also devised to ensure clarity in expectations and to offer a clear assessment standard.


Articles representing a range of cyber incidents in smart cities were curated. A table template was designed to guide learners in capturing key information succinctly. This format encourages concise and structured thought, pushing learners to extract the most salient points from each article.


Given that this is a self-led learning exercise, the instructions and materials are presented in a manner that allows learners to work at their own pace. They can approach the case studies in any order, though the sequence provided offers a gradient in complexity. Participants are expected to make use of digital tools and resources to complete the assignment, emphasizing real-world applicability.


Assessment is based on a clearly defined rubric, allowing learners to understand expectations and align their efforts accordingly. The rubric evaluates both the depth of understanding and the quality of communication. This dual focus ensures that learners are not only grasping the content but also effectively conveying their insights.

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