
Articulate 360 HR Training - Deaf and HoH Coworkers

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Co-workers Training

This project was created to train managers on accessibility modifications in the workplace for their deaf and hard of hearing employees.


This course was designed to target managers who are interacting with Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing employees. I used the ADDIE design process to create an Articulate 360 learning experience. In creating this project I wanted to emphasize interactivity and engagement.

ADDIE Design Process

Outline in Miro

Text Storyboard for a Single Slide

Articulate 360 Components

I always try to stick with clean and simple designs. I also wanted to include multiple interactive elements.  There are quiz elements, as well as click to reveal, tabbed and marker interactions. My goal was to make these interactions feel natural and user friendly.

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